The Taste of Buffalo is the second largest food festival in the country and this year is its 25th year. The festival is set up around Niagara Square and down Delaware Avenue, with close to 60 restaurants from across the area giving away samples of their wares. Over 450,000 people come a year and this was the first year either Mark or I have attended.
Okay, so the samples aren't really free. Before you start wandering around you stop at a ticket booth and buy tickets for $5 a sheet (10 tickets per sheet). The restaurants decide how many tickets to charge with the average being 4. Some large items might run 6-8 and some smaller samples are 2. Since we'd never been before we started off with three sheets. There are no refunds on unused tickets so we decided it would be better to buy more if we needed them than to buy too many and have some leftovers.

Mark decided he needed something sweet as well and purchased a mini cannoli from Panaro's. I did take a little bite of it and it was good. Actually it was the perfect size because I like cannolis for a couple of bites and then the richness starts to overwhelm me. Mark gave it a thumbs up.
For those not from Buffalo, Niagara Square surrounds the McKinley Monument. It's been a while since I took a look at it up close so Mark and I wandered closer and read all the inscriptions. At this point, Mark said, "You know, I've often wondered if McKinley wasn't shot here, if Buffalo would still be the bustling city it used to be. That was the first bad thing here. It set off the chain." After I wondered if that would be true or not Mark decided that he was going write a book where McKinley doesn't get shot but all kinds of other things go wrong instead.
"And then we all end up in a Ryan Miller dictatorship."
"Ryan Miller?"
"Yeah, a dictatorship where goalies rule."
"You might need to flesh this idea out before you start sending queries."
"Okay, how about a Bucky Gleason dictatorship?"
"Definitely more frightening."
"Every crime is punishable with a jail term between 5 and 25."
"And Larry Quinn nabs the bad guys with his bowed net."
"Where's Darcy?
"Probably in jail."
"I'll bet he got the full 25 for failure to sign a big name free agent. You know Bucky would make that a crime."
"In the end a herd of time-traveling famous Buffalonians battle Bucky and Larry and try to set everything back the way it was."
"That's where Ryan Miller comes in."
"Yeah, and the Goo Goo Dolls. And Ani Difranco."
"And Jim Kelly and Pat Lafontaine and the French Connection. Oh, ooh! And in an effort to set everything right with the people of Buffalo, Dominik Hasek is the one who takes down tyrant Bucky."
"He jumps up and down yelling, 'Must see! Must see!' and then when he has an opening, makes the final blow."
"And then everyone realizes, hey, maybe Buffalo isn't quite so bad the way it is."
"You know, there are probably people in Buffalo who would gladly trade a Bucky dictatorship for a Super Bowl win or a Stanley Cup."
"Hmmm... Good point."
It needs some work but I think there's potential there.

Below is my Holy Grail for the day. The whole reason I really pushed for Taste of Buffalo in the first place - not that I had to do a lot of pushing - is because I saw that Fat Bob's Smokehouse was going to be there. I've written here before about how much I really like Fat Bob's and while I've heard their mac and cheese is really good, I've never tried it because I'm such a big fan of their mashed potatoes. I haven't been able to go there and not get mashed potatoes. So I was thrilled to get a chance to try the mac and cheese. Guess what. It's really, really good. After we made one trip around the festival Mark went back and got a pulled pork sandwich. Yeah, we like Fat Bob's.
We still had quite a few tickets left - we'd purchased a few more by this point - but we decided to give the food we'd already eaten a little time to settle. We ducked into New Era to get a dose of air conditioning and to check things out since we'd never seen it. Unfortunately a ton of other people had the same idea so it was kind of tough to move around and really get a good look at everything. There was one really godawful Sabres hat. It was white and it had a bejeweled slug on it but just as I was about to take a picture of it, a young girl, probably college-aged, swooped in, squealed, "Oh, it's so cute!" and tried it on, calling her mom over to see. So you'll just have to trust me. It was really, really awful.
We thought about taking a tour of City Hall but you had to sign up for a time and we weren't sure how long we'd be sticking around so we decided to save that for another time. I've never been inside so it's definitely on the list of things to do. We took a few minutes on the front steps to check out the goings-on around us though. That done, we decided we'd have to suffer through a little more food.

I was at Taste of Buffalo also yesterday! I have to agree the blackened shrimp was delish as was the mac n cheese. We got there at 5 and ended up completely soaked but it cleared the place out! There was one place (Fireside Inn) that refused to take our wet tickets, which thoroughly annoyed us.
Chester's Pub and Grill had amazing gumbo and the Forestview's Philly cheesesteak ravioli was to die for. We were disappointed that Sharf's wasn't there this year because we love, love, love their paotato pancakes.
We spent $50 which more than a normal dinner out for us but we wanted to be able to try anything we wanted (including cajun crawfish, suck the heads) without worrying that we were going to have to get more tickets. It really is a fun way to try out new things and get some new restaurant ideas.
Dude. What kind of place doesn't take wet tickets when it's raining at an outdoor festival? That's stupid. I'm going to remember that, Fireside Inn.
I thought about Chester's gumbo but I didn't try it out. I'll have to remember that though because I did really like that shrimp. It was probably my favorite thing I tried yesterday.
How could your army of famous Buffalonians not include David Borenaz? He's a VAMPIRE!
David Boreanaz blogged on NHL.com as a Flyers fan this postseason. Dead to me. William Fichtner can come though.
I think I just hurt myself laughing at the Bucky Gleason dictatorship and overthrow. You and Mark are hilarious!
Amy, I wish I could take more credit but that was mostly Mark. Just FYI, he was quick to inform me that I got Quinn's part in the story wrong. He's actually a rogue good guy, . I had kind of a hard time thinking of him as as a "good guy" but I suppose it is true that in a world where Bucky rules, Quinn would probably take the other side no matter where that put him.
I was driven right by that monument! :D
Ohhhh no, you can't take Fichtner over Boreanaz. Boreanaz is notorious for never wanting to be called "Angel" but Fichtner is known as even a bigger ass than Boreanaz. Fichtner isn't going to do anything but whine and be an ass. He is NOT a good representative of Buffalonia. Plus, Fichtner? Not a vampire.
Yes, but Fichtner has never blogged FOR THE PHILADELPHIA FLYERS! That's unacceptable. It's really as simple as that. I'll boot Fichtner for being a jackass but Angel isn't getting in either especially if I can't even call him Angel. We'll use Nick Bakay as the voice of Salem the Cat instead.
Lee, while you're here, Check out this newspaper correction. You'll appreciate it.
And Patty, I remember that! Like the wonderful tour guide that I am, I'm pretty sure I completely failed to explain what that monument actually was :P
Yeah! They better correct themselves.
Bakay is good. What about YOUR BOY Kyle Chandler? He didn't live in Buffalo long so I don't know how much loyalty he has but he was born there.
Or maybe Orel Hershiser? Greg Oden? Chad Michael Murray? William Sadler? Kirk Cameron's wife?
I'm too scared to go to the taste! Can you even move around? It looks like there are way too many people there to even breathe. But... it still looks yummy.
Dani, it started at 11 and we got there around 12 so the crowd was still fairly light. It was definitely starting to get more packed when we left, probably around 2:30 or 3, and the lines were a bit longer but it still wasn't horrible, I don't think. You should definitely try it out one of these years! It's worth it.
Or maybe Orel Hershiser? Greg Oden? Chad Michael Murray? William Sadler? Kirk Cameron's wife?
Chad Michael Murray would get distracted looking for a new wife. I'd rather have Christine Baranski or Jesse L. Martin. They'd totally take down Bucky.
I got to be judge for the Taste of Buffalo. I very much enjoyed having the clout. I got to walk up to the booth, flash my judge credentials and get free food. I did take points off from restaurants who refused to suck up to me. Folks, I am a judge, kiss up! Their loss. My highest marks went to Jack Astor's Cucubumer Salad (Yes, I too was surprised to vote a chain restaurant so high) and Kabab and Curry's Marinated Chicken Kabob. My Lord was that delicious. And both booth staff were well into the sucking up to Judge Vanek's Hair.
Judge Vanek's Hair? Sweet! How'd you score that gig? I was wondering where the judges come from. I totally missed that chicken kabob. Too bad because it sounds good.
I got to be a judge because I have an in with the Independent Health Foundation. So I had to wear a red shirt and judge the "healthy options." Many were very good. To be a judge of the (I guess) "unhealthy options" you basically have to work in local media. My local media appearances have been in spite, and not because of who I am.
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